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Hver er TGunn?

Ljósmyndari sem sérhæfir sig í gæludýraljósmyndun, barna- og fjölskylduljósmyndun og fleira. Ljósmyndastúdíó í Gylfaflöt, Grafarvogi.


Just little old me... photographer and hobby seamstress who loves anything related to photography and fashion.

Born in 1980 and soon became my parents favourite child (this may or may not be true) as I was the most adorable child ever to be born.. (also, I may be stretching the truth a little here)

I quickly became interested in photography and around 10 years old was asking my parents to borrow their SLRs. That is also when I got my first camera. It was a compact but good enough for me at the time. At 16 I got my first SLR.

I will not tell you how old I was when I got my first DSLR but it was around 2006.. you do the math... or no, actually I would prefer it if you didn't ;) 

I was a great film enthusiast for a long time until I finally caved and packed up my darkroom and turned to digital photography almost entirely. The film will, however, always have a special place in my heart *wipes tear*

I studied photography in my early twenties and since I finished I have used various courses and classes on the internet to keep me up to date.

Happy browsing :)

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Gylfaflöt 6-8, 112 Reykjavík, 2. hæð

í sama húsi og verslunin Fanntófell. Sú verslun er vel merkt og sést vel frá götunni. Á vinstri hlið hússins, fyrir miðju gaflsins er inngangur til mín. Best er að nota bílastæðin við Fanntófell.

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